Make Your Online Presence Engaging with the use of Non- Verbal Language
How to Make Your Online Presence Engaging with Non- Verbal Language by- Deepa Singh Online platforms have effortlessly woven themselves into the fabric of our daily lives. Based on use of body language, online platforms, are strikingly similar to the communication methods of Primitive Times. Primitive humans were so apt at using nonverbal cues that they could communicate complex ideas without uttering a single word. With the advent of speech and writing, reliance on nonverbal communication diminished significantly. People invested their time and intelligence in mastering these new forms of language, leading to a dependency on spoken and written words. However, as history often repeats itself, the rise of online platforms has brought nonverbal communication back into the spotlight. Non verbal cues like facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, emojis, GIFs, and video calls bring our online interactions to life, making them more expressive and engaging. Imagin...