Make Your Online Presence Engaging with the use of Non- Verbal Language

 How to Make Your Online Presence Engaging with Non- Verbal Language 

by- Deepa Singh

Online platforms have effortlessly woven themselves into the fabric of our daily lives.

Based on use of body language, online platforms, are strikingly similar to the communication methods of Primitive Times.

Primitive humans were so apt at using nonverbal cues that they could communicate complex ideas without uttering a single word.

With the advent of speech and writing, reliance on nonverbal communication diminished significantly. 

People invested their time and intelligence in mastering these new forms of language, leading to a dependency on spoken and written words.

However, as history often repeats itself, the rise of online platforms has brought nonverbal communication back into the spotlight.

Non verbal cues like facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, emojis, GIFs, and video calls bring our online interactions to life, making them more expressive and engaging.

Imagine yourself on an online platform, speaking without facial expressions, gestures, or eye contact... It would be boring and lifeless!

Without the successful use of nonverbal cues, online interactions become monotonous and dull.

This is why, click the hyperlink to know the use of Nonverbal Language.

For instance, a smile can convey warmth and friendliness, while eye contact can show attentiveness and sincerity. Gestures can emphasize points and make explanations clearer.

Three tips to follow online 

1.       You

·       Formal Look

·       Well groomed

·       You must be visible till your waist so that your gestures are visible.

·       Look Happy, Focused/ Attentive, Interested, Curious

2.       Your camera

·       Camera at eye level.

·       Look into camera to maintain eye contact.

·       Be in the center of the screen.

3.       Your expression

·       Make effective use of eyes, eyebrows, blinks.

·       Wear an actor cap to best use your facial expressions i.e. happy, sad, angry, confused.

·       Use maximum Gestures: Bring your hands in the level of your ears to show gestures.

·       Make best use of your voice with suitable tone, pitch, fluency, expression and stress.

What are your thoughts on this? How do you think nonverbal communication can be further integrated into online presence?

Share your views in comment section.



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