Improve READING Experience: A Detailed Reading Skills' Guide

Improve READING Experience: A Detailed Reading Skills' Guide

by Deepa Singh

Reading skills are foundational for daily lives, academic achievement, and careers.

It is an essential skill for school students.

It is one of the LSRW skills.

Why is fostering reading habit crucial?

Encouraging students to read has multifaceted benefits.

·   Acquire New Knowledge 

  •  Exposes to diverse ideas, cultures, and information. 
  •  It broadens their horizons and helps them stay informed.

· Enhance Comprehension 

  • It involves several components, including inference, background knowledge, vocabulary, and comprehension. 
  • Regular reading practice sharpens comprehension skills.

·    Improve Writing Skills 

  •  Reading exposes us to well-written texts. 
  •  Helps to learn spellings, sentence structures.
  •  Makes communication effective and helps to express our thoughts coherently.

·  Develop Linguistic Proficiency

  •  Reading exposes us to pronunciation, varied idiomatic expressions, and grammatical nuances.

·    Expand Vocabulary: 

  •   Consistent reading introduces students to new words. 
  •   On average, they can learn 2 to 8 words daily through reading.

Process of Reading

Reading is the process of taking in the meaning of letters and symbols, especially by sight or touch. 

When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols (letters, punctuation marks, and spaces) and our brain to convert them into words, sentences, and paragraphs that communicate something to us. 

Reading involves various areas including:

·       Word Recognition: Identifying words in print.

·       Orthography (Spelling): Understanding the rules of spelling.

·       Alphabetics and Phonics: Understanding letter-sound relationships.

·       Phonemic Awareness: Recognizing individual sounds in spoken words.

·       Vocabulary: Building a rich word bank.

·       Comprehension: Constructing meaning from the text.

·       Fluency: Reading accurately, at a good pace, and with proper expression.

·       Motivation: Engaging with reading for pleasure and personal development.

Types of reading

1. Skimming: Quickly glancing over a text to assess the overall content of a text.

    Technique: Focus on headings, subheadings, and any bold or italicized text

The first and last sentences of paragraphs.

Pay attention to graphics, charts, and captions.

     Useful: To get a relevance or an overview.

2. Scanning: Searching for specific information within a text.

     Technique: Move eyes rapidly over the text

                     look for keywords, numbers, or specific phrases

      Useful: To find a particular detail or answer to a specific question. 

3. Intensive Reading: A thorough and detailed examination of a text.

    Technique: Read carefully, slowly paying attention to every word and sentence.

                     Highlight key points or take notes.

    Useful: In academic settings or when studying complex material.

4. Extensive Reading: Reading longer texts for pleasure (To enjoy reading) or general understanding.

    Technique: Read at a comfortable pace.

                     Do not analyzing every detail, focus on understanding the main ideas.

    Useful: For building vocabulary and improving overall comprehension.

Reading strategies

Here are some active reading strategies essential for comprehending and engaging with text effectively.  

·  Ask Questions before, during, and after reading to engage with the material and deepen the understanding.

·  Focus on Multisyllabic Word Reading, decode longer words, to enhances vocabulary and comprehension.

·      Activate & Connect Prior Knowledge with new information to build context and understanding.

·       Visualization enhances comprehension and retention. Create mental images while reading. 

·    Make logical inferences based on the text. This involves reading between the lines and drawing conclusions.

·     Summarize the text in key points after reading to consolidate information and identify main ideas.

·    Determine the Importance of identifying essential information within a text. This involves prioritizing details and recognizing what matters most.

Remember, active reading is about more than just decoding words, it’s about thinking critically, connecting background knowledge, and engaging with the material.


Barriers in speed reading

·       Lack of Concentration

·       Uninteresting Subject Matter

·       Lack of Motivation (No connection to real-life situations)

·       Faulty Reading Habits: Subvocalization (reading aloud in your mind)

                                         Regression (going back to re-read)

·       Struggle with decoding words

·     Constantly look up words in dictionary. 

Tips to Read Fluently 

Reading fluency refers to the ability to read with proper speed, accuracy, and expression.

Speeding up your reading can significantly boost your productivity

·       Stop the Inner Monologue

  •      Silent that voice in your head that reads aloud. 
  •      Let your eyes absorb the words directly.

·       Word–Chunking

  •      Train your brain to recognize groups of words at once.
  •       Avoid reading word by word.

·       Avoid Re-reading

  •        Resist going back to re-read sentences. 
  •        Trust your initial understanding.

·       Use Peripheral Vision

  •        Expand your field of vision
  •        Capture more words in a single glance.

·       Set a Timer & Goal

  •        Challenge yourself to read faster by setting a time limit for a passage. 
  •         Aim to increase your reading speed gradually.

·       Read More

  •        The more you read, the better you become at it. Practice makes perfect!

·       Use a Marker

  •        Guide your eyes along the lines with a finger or pen.
  •         It helps maintain focus.

·       Improve Your Vocabulary

  •         A rich vocabulary aids comprehension and speeds up reading.

·       Skim the Main Points FIRST

  •       Scan headings, subheadings, and summaries before diving into the details.

·       Read with a Purpose

  •        Know why you are reading. Adjust your pace accordingly.


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